Steel1.AP-WP1131 - Gun Metal plus AP-WP1101 - Matt Black 2.AP-WP1130 - Plate Mail Metal3.AP-WP1129 - Shining Silver4.AP-WP1136 - Dark Tone InkBrass1.AP-WP1133 - Weapon Bronze2.Foundry PP036C - Shiny3.Foundry PP044C - Burning GoldTHE BASE For these models I decided to do a very minimal base.For several reasons, firstly the models are not reallyintended to play with so don’t need to be very stable onthe tabletop, also choosing one particular style of basemight not be suitable for all the different environments Iwanted to take pictures of them in, and I wanted to havea go at a fake stone paving trompe l’oeil effect. The keyto the trompe l’oeil effect is to decide where the light iscoming from and highlight accordingly. The final highlightgoes on just the very edge of the fake stones on thepaving.VARNISHMake sure all the paint on the model is thoroughly drybefore commencing varnishing.GlossThe models were then given a coat of Humbrolpolyurethane gloss varnish and set aside for 24 hours todry completely. Be careful not to let the varnish pool,