REST OF THE ARM, EPAULETTES, MONOCLE RIM, BUTTONSBrass1.AP-WP1133 - Weapon Bronze2.Foundry PP036C – Shiny3.Foundry PP044C - Burning Gold LightTHE BASE For all these Steampunk models I decided to do a veryminimal base, a fake stone paving trompe l'oeil effect. Thekey to the trompe l'oeil effect is to decide where the lightis coming from and highlight accordingly. The finalhighlight goes on just the very edge of the fake stones onthe paving.1.AP-WP1101 - Matt Black mixed with AP-WP1122 - Fur AP-WP1102 - Matt more AP-WP1102 - Matt even more AP-WP1102 - Matt WhiteVARNISHMake sure all the paint on the model is thoroughly drybefore commencing varnishing.
THE ELECTRIC GENERATOR & PROSTHETIC POWER ARMCYLINDERHere I have painted on a wood grain effect on thecylinder. 1.AP-WP1124 - Oak Brown mixed with AP-WP1122 - Fur AP-WP1121 - Desert more AP-WP1121 - Desert Yellow4.and lastly plus AP-WP1102 - Matt WhiteTHE METALWORKHis prosthetic arm is all metal, and there is a lot of detailthere and on sword and helmet. The dial of the generatoris a bit fiddly but does repay careful painting.SCABBARD, SOME OF THE ARM, EPAULETTE TASSELSSteel1.AP-WP1131 - Gun Metal plus AP-WP1101 - Matt Black2.AP-WP1130 - Plate Mail Metal3.AP-WP1129 - Shining Silver4.AP-WP1136 - Dark Tone Ink