North Star Military Figures
Bob's Mudmen Preorder Campaign. We're taking orders now for Pulp Figures Mudmen Tribal Warriors. We're not making the moulds unless we get to 20 packs sold, so if you like the look of these please order now! We've got a running total on the right of the page, once it hits 20+ packs we'll be sending the orders out, persuade your friends to get involved.
Our Refund Guarantee We will charge you straight away for any order, with delivery time expected November 2025 If at any time you change your mind before the shipping date, we will refund you immediately, even if it’s just part of the order. Also, if you make a small order, then choose to add more later, we’ll make sure you are only charged the right amount including postage.
PULP MUDMEN are copyright Bob Murch Pulp Figures. produced in the UK by North Star Military Figures Limited.
click here
click here to order
YEAH HIT the Target!
The "Mudmen" of Papua New Guinea's Asaro tribe, also known as the Holosa, are those who wear a traditional costume centered around masks made of mud. They reside near the village of Goroka in the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea. PULP FIGURES


Mudmen make a dramatic looking tribal group for historical(ish) and fantasy settings. In the real world, it is a costume worn by Asaro performers in Papua New Guinea. However, there is no reason why they couldn’t make an appearance in Bronze Age Europe or
Mudmen make a dramatic looking tribal group for historical(ish) and fantasy settings. In the real world, it is a costume worn by Asaro performers in Papua New Guinea. However, there is no reason why they couldn’t make an appearance in Bronze Age Europe or other more fanciful settings.