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The Metalwork There is a lot of metal on the Arc Rifle, and lots of nice  detail bits to paint. The dials of the arc generator are a  bit fiddly but do repay careful painting.  Steel 1. AP-WP1131 - Gun Metal plus AP-WP1101 - Matt Black  2. AP-WP1130 - Plate Mail Metal 3. AP-WP1129 - Shining Silver  4. AP-WP1136 - Dark Tone Ink Brass 1. AP-WP1133 - Weapon Bronze 2. Foundry PP036C - Shiny 3. Foundry PP044C - Burning Gold THE BASE For these models I decided to do a very minimal base.  For several reasons, firstly the models are not really  intended to play with so don’t need to be very stable on  the tabletop, also choosing one particular style of base  might not be suitable for all the different environments I  wanted to take pictures of them in, and I wanted to have  a go at a fake stone paving trompe l’oeil effect. The key  to the trompe l’oeil effect is to decide where the light is  coming from and highlight accordingly. The final highlight  goes on just the very edge of the fake stones on the  paving.  VARNISH Make sure all the paint on the model is thoroughly dry  before commencing varnishing. 
 I wanted to have a go at a fake stone paving trompe l’oeil effect. The key to the trompe l’oeil effect is to decide where the light is coming from and highlight accordingly. The final highlight goes on just the very edge of the fake stones on the paving. For these models I decided to do a very minimal base. LORD CURR FINISHED