Welcome to the North Star Magazine Artizan Designs This is where we will put all the information relating to Artizan Designs miniatures, including painting guides and hobby articles.The figures are of Historical subjects, our ranges include, World War Two, World War One, The Renaissance, Vikings, Carolingians, Moors, The American West, Arthurian Dark Ages, French Foreign Legion & Pirates. Artizan Designs also produce a line of character figurines based on the adventure stories of the 20th Century, Thrilling Tales from the 1930s and 40s, and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang from the 1960s. All the figures come from the talented hand of sculptor Mike Owen.CONTENTSPAINTING US AIRBORNE PATHFINDERSFAST PAINTING WW2 SOVIETS Inspired by Nick. BATTLE OF THE BULGE GALLERYRUBICON FURY M4 SHERMANWW2 BRITISH AIRBORNE GALLERYKISS KISS BANG BANG GALLEYWORLD WAR TWO GALLERY