THE REST OF THE MODEL THE WHITE THINGSMostly his one glove, sash, hair and moustaches, and some fine piping on the top edge of his collar. I did these first as they are very small areas and would be more difficult to do at the end. Painting them in first allows you to correct any mistakes by painting over the slips with black AP-WP1101 - Matt Black. WHITE 1.AP-WP1102 - Matt White+ AP-WP1117 - Ash Grey2.+ more AP-WP1102 - Matt White3.+ more AP-WP1102 - Matt White4.pure AP-WP1102 - Matt WhiteSASHInfuriatingly his sash has narrow bands of red and blue running along it; I painted these on in AP-WP1104 - Pure Red and AP-WP1116 - Deep Blue, with no shading or highlighting. Try to do them in one steady stroke, both colours cover quite well when painted over the white of the sash, and you can easily correct mistakes by touching in with pure AP-WP1102 - Matt White. You could paint the sash silver if you prefer and forget the stripes!UNIFORM Now normally I would have done all the piping on his uniform first, but as the piping is to be black I decided to leave it till after I had painted the blue of the jacket as that was likely to be the trickiest bit to do. I could then correct any mistakes with AP-WP1101 - Matt Black.