FACE MAKEUPAt last I plucked up the courage to do the face makeup. I studied the picture of Akhenatonand did my best to reproduce that on the model. The makeup was done in AP-WP1101 - Matt Black, but thinned
HANDSAt this point I painted his hands in the same colour as his face. Another error I’m afraid, I was expecting him to be wearing gloves, which I would have painted black. THE KHOPESH OF OSIRISHis big sword, in other words, and it is a mighty big one. Good job he is the reincarnated spirit of a god then to weld such a weapon. But it is nicely detailed with easy to pick out coloured metalwork all along the blade. It is a bit fiddly to do but really worth it in the end.Red1.AP-WP1124 - Oak Brownplus AP-WP1105 - Dragon Red2.AP-WP1105 - Dragon Red3.AP-WP1104 - Pure Red4.AP-WP1104 - Pure Redplus AP-WP1106 - Lava OrangeGreen1.AP-WP1112 - Angel Green2.AP-WP1112 - Angel Greenplus AP-WP1109 - Goblin Green3.+ more AP-WP1109 - Goblin Green4.pure AP-WP1109 - Goblin GreenOsiris (the god of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead) was commonly depicted with green skin (the ancient Egyptian colour of rebirth) and a red sash so it is nice to reflect these in his khopesh. Osiris was the posthumous father of Horus, whose eye Akhenaton wears in his makeup also Akhenaton’s black clothes could allude to the fertility of the Nile floodplain. Sorry getting a bit carried away there…
slightly more than I would normally use. Fortunately the strokes required for the design are very small, but you need your steadiest of hands working so close to the eyes. Try out the design first before you commit yourself to the doing it on the model. I also painted in his eyebrows, I don’t normally paint on eyebrows, but they go well with the eye makeup, in fact I wasn’t really sure whether they were meant to be his eyebrows or part of the eyeliner! The eye makeup is of course a version of the traditional Eye of Horus design.SHOESA DIFFERENT WHITEAkhenaton’s shoes are also white, although again I hadn’t spotted this! Even so I wanted them to be a different white from that I had done before (even if that white didn’t remain white in the end!). So for this white I started with Yellow. As it happened I painted the soles of his shoes white too, really they should have been black according to the artwork.1.AP-WP1121 - Desert Yellow2.AP-WP1121 - Desert Yellowplus AP-WP1102 - Matt White3.plus more AP-WP1102 - Matt White4.pure AP-WP1102 - Matt White