JACKET & TROUSERSThe great thing about Thutmose III is that is he doesn’trequire too many colours to paint, and once the black isdone, well that is him about done too. The down side ofthat is the black is the most important colour on him afterthe flesh, and needs to be done in some style. The foldsand creases of Thutmose III’s clothing are well defined soI followed the sculpting and if you do the same you won’tgo far wrong. One last bit of black was the hilt of hisKhopesh of Osiris (big sword).BLACK 1.AP-WP1101 - Matt Black mixed with AP-WP1125 - Skeleton Bone 2.plus AP-WP1125 - Skeleton Bone3.plus more AP-WP1125 - Skeleton Bone4.and lastly more AP-WP1125 - Skeleton Bone
OR SHOULD THAT HAVE BEEN PURPLE? As you may have spotted, I got that wrong. His shirt is infact pale purple silk. Now that presented a couple ofissues. Firstly I didn’t want to paint it again as waste theeffort I had made already, and secondly there is no palepurple in the range. So to solve these two problems in onehit I used a wash of AP-WP1128 - Alien Purpleover thewhite, and voilà problems solved. It did take a while tryingout the wash strength, and diluting a bit with more waterto get the right degree of transparency. I think it worked OK here because it was a small area, Iwouldn’t recommend this technique for large areas, apartfrom when painting fur!
WHITE FIRSTReally a very small amount on this model, but it is stillworth while doing these little bits first. Not only so thatyou can correct them, before going on the rest of themodel, but also I find it helps not to loads of fiddly bits todo at the end of a paint job. Painted in with colours asbelow, and then tidied up with black AP-WP1101 - MattBlack. WHITE 1.AP-WP1102 - Matt White mixed with AP-WP1117 - Ash Grey 2.plus more AP-WP1102 - Matt White3.plus more AP-WP1102 - Matt White4.pure AP-WP1102 - Matt White