THE EMPRESS“Few, even among the tong membership, can describeher appearance accurately or consistently – there areeven rumours that she can change form. The mostcommon description is of a statuesque woman ofindeterminate age, dressed in long, flowing, decoratedoriental robes …”UNDERCOATINGIt is worth going over any model carefully just to makesure there are no sprue, flash or mould lines, clean anyoff with a sharp scalpel and a fine file. Undercoating isessential as it provides a consistent surface on which toapply the next coats of paint, and it shows up the detailon a model much more clearly than shiny bare metal.For the undercoat I used Humbrol enamel matt black.Usually oil based undercoats better cover better on thebare metal.THE PAINTI used Army Painter War Paints to paint The Empress,mixing up colours to suit my style and preferences. TheMega Paint Set provides an adequate range of coloursfor almost all needs, but you will often need to mixcolours to get the desired results, however I have tried towork out colour combinations to reduce mixing ifpossible.