There were a few bits of pieces in black, like her hair and collar, so I painted these in at the same time as the Dragon.Wooden struts of the fan1.AP-WP1124 - Oak Brown plus AP-WP1122 - Fur Brown 2.AP-WP1124 - Oak Brown plus AP-WP1122 - Fur Brown plus AP-WP1121 - Desert AP-WP1121 - Desert AP-WP1102 - Matt WhiteTHE GOLD WORKI wanted her to have lots of gold to convey her position at the top of the Tong, and because it contrasts nicely with the other colours of her outfit. Some of the edging is detailed on the model, so I used all of that, but most I painted on where it looked good. Also there is lots of gold in her headdress, which I painted at the same time. As a contrast I didn’t do any gold on her fan, keeping it just monochrome black and white.GOLD1.AP-WP1133 - Weapon Bronze2.Foundry PP036C - Shiny3.Foundry PP044C - Burning Gold
HEADDRESSThere were a few bits of decoration on her headdress that were in the same colours as her clothes so I painted these in at the same time.THE DRAGON FANPerhaps a bit obvious to paint a black dragon on it but I couldn’t resist it! I did go and look at lots of Chinese dragons as they are distinctly different from their European counterparts and I wanted one in the right format, as it were. The fan itself is white with wooden slats and with a black dragon!WHITE 1.AP-WP1102 - Matt White mixed with AP-WP1117 - Ash more AP-WP1102 - Matt more AP-WP1102 - Matt White4.pure AP-WP1102 - Matt WhiteBLACK 1.AP-WP1101 - Matt Black mixed with AP-WP1125 - Skeleton Bone AP-WP1125 - Skeleton more AP-WP1125 - Skeleton Bone4.and lastly even more AP-WP1125 - Skeleton Bone