SAMURAI THREE His clothes are definitely the most complex of all ofthem, and has by far the longest description. However,they are broken down into smaller sections so can betackled in manageable quantities. HAKAMA (big trousers)His trousers are white fading into green. I did the whitefirst to about half way up the trousers leg.1.AP-WP1102 - Matt White mixed with AP-WP1117 - Ash Grey and AP-WP1121 - Desert AP-WP1102 - Matt more AP-WP1102 - Matt White4.pure AP-WP1102 - Matt WhiteI the painted the top half in green making sure that itoverlapped the white slightly.1.AP-WP1111 - AP-WP1109 - Goblin more AP-WP1109 - Goblin Green4.pure AP-WP1109 - Goblin GreenBLENDINGThe tricky part was to blend between the two colours toget a soft fade between them. I did this by using bythinning the Goblin Green down with water to a washand then painting this on at the junction of the colours. Ittook several coats to achieve a satisfactory result. I alsodid the sword grip in the green while I had it mixed up.