FACE & REARIt really is worth looking at lots of picture for this sort ofproject. I usually print out some relevant pictures if I have nobook reference to hand (which I didn’t).The RedStarting with Dragon Red as the shade colour, I did all thedesign, trying to follow what a real mandrill looks like. I thenmixed Matt White to the Dragon Red and highlighted thedesign, then mixed more Matt White to that mix andhighlighted it again, the red on the mandrill is really ratherpinkish. The BlueThe blue shade colour is a mix of Deep Blue and CrystalBlue. For the highlights I added Matt White in threesuccessive layers.
Above & right. The Red starts with Dragon Red as the shade colour, trying to follow what a real mandrill looks like. Then Matt White is mixed to the Red and used to highlight the design, then more White is mixed to that and used to highlight again.
Below. The blue shade colour is a mix of Deep Blue and Crystal Blue. For the highlights add Matt White.