as large rocks. When positioning the models I made sure theman did not obscure the shield design. I them filled in-between the models bases and stones withhousehold filler and then left that overnight to go hard. I thenglued on some sharp sand with PVA glue, (4Ground PVA).When the sand was dried hard I painted the whole base with 1.AP-WP1123 - Leather Brown.2.I then dry-brushed on AP-WP1121 - Desert Yellow quite heavily.3.then I dry-brushed on a layer of AP-WP1125 - SkeletonBone.4.and finally a light dry-brush of AP-WP1102 - MattWhite.The stones were painted as follows.1.AP-WP1101 - Matt Black plus AP-WP1118 - UniformGrey2.Then dry-brushed AP-WP1118 - Uniform Grey