The BuffsHistoryThe Buffs were originally Duke of York and Albany’s MaritimeRegiment of Foot, also known as Lord High Admiral’s Regiment.They are also the forerunners of the Royal Marines as they were onduty as soldiers on ships during the Anglo-Dutch Wars of the1660’s. Because they were onboard ships, the regiment did not havepikemen and were issued with flintlocks rather than matchlocks.Famously they were commanded by John Churchill, ancestor of the20th Century Churchill, but as the Duke of Marlborough he is justas great a historical figure. UniformsThis regiment was dressed in a yellow coat with red cuffs, breechesand stockings. FlagColonel Colour is yellow, the regimental colour a red cross linedwhite on a yellow field.Royal ScotsHistoryThe Royal Scots were originally a Scottish regiment that before ourperiod had served in wars on the Continent for three decades.Charles II recalled them on his restoration, putting them underCrown service, but sent them back to France with their Colonel,Douglas, to fight for his ally the French King Louis XIV. UniformsThe Royal Scots (Known the Douglas Regiment in this period) worescarlet coats with white cuffs. Breeches and stockings were grey.This was for both musketeers and pikemen.FlagsThe Douglas Regiment here are shown carrying the flag of their firstcolonel, Hepburn, the same flags they had carried in the ThirtyYears War. Just after our period, 1680, the Douglas Regiment tookup the Scottish Saltaire.