spoil the rest of the paint job! Then I paint the flesh, andthen the rest of the model. Lastly don’t get too much paint on your brush, less thana third of the way up the hairs on the brush in the paint isplenty, never dip the brush all the way up to the metalferrule, or you will ruin that brush in short order.LORD CURREYES & FLESH While the model is very nicely the done, the positioningof his Arc Rifle makes painting the facial detail a mighttricky, as you never get a full straight-on front view. Soyou have to work around it, but all the detail is there, justslightly harder to access. I very much treated his face astwo halves. Even if you don’t get both halves to quitematch it doesn’t matter as you can’t see both sidestogether. Also Lord Curr is wearing gloves so no fleshhands to paint.EYES1.His whites are AP-WP1102 - Matt White(no prizes)2.The irises are AP-WP1116 - Deep BlueFLESH 1.AP-WP1122 - Fur Brown2.AP-WP1127 - Tanned Flesh3.AP-WP1126 - Barbarian Flesh4.AP-WP1126 - Barbarian Flesh plus AP-WP1102 - Matt White5.Plus more AP-WP1102 - Matt White