THE CONSTABLESThe backbone and very effective part of the ScotlandYard Company are perhaps the trickiest of all the modelsto make and paint. Mike Owen has sculpted some verylively and attractive models, with a good period look, theMetropolitan Police helmet is particularly well realised,however their weapon of choice, the English All Electric
"The most famous police force in the world are the Metropolitan Police based in Scotland Yard, London. In these troubled time their ‘Special Branch’ has a number of companies deployed around the capital to investigate and foil dastardly foreign plots against the city, Parliament and Her Majesty.
Below. Examine the models paying particular attention to the separate parts.
Truncheon, presents some interesting modellingchallenges. The trick with the painting is getting that blueright.MODELLING CHALLENGESOn two of the models the connecting cabling and powerpack for the truncheon are provided as separate castings,which need to be attached to your model. These parts areslightly fragile and need careful handling and modelling toget the best out of them, so I will describe the assembly ofone of the Constables in detail. You will need; modellingside cutters, a small file and a very sharp modelling knifeor scalpel.EXAMINE THE MODELSAs you would do with any model you are about to workon, but paying particular attention to the separate parts.You will see the connecting cable has quite a few spruesor runners (these help in the casting of a fine piece likethe cable and pack). All these will have to be removedand the cable cleaned up. The first thing I did was to carefully straighten the cable (Iwill be saying carefully quite a lot in this article!) CLEANING THE CABLEI then removed the sprues by snipping them off with a pairof side-cutters, being extra careful not to cut the cableitself. The next problem is the mould line running along