UNIFORM The most important thing on the Bobbies is the blue.Getting this right will make or break your Coppers. Inreality the uniform was almost black, and it is probablymore realistic to go more black than blue, but it isdefinitely blue, be it a very dark one. BLUE1.AP-WP1116 - Deep Blue mixed with AP-WP1101 - Matt Black plus AP-WP1115 - Ultramarine Blue2.plus AP-WP1102 - Matt White (small amount)3.plus more AP-WP1102 - Matt White(small amount)4.plus more AP-WP1102 - Matt White(small amount)BASINGI did these to match the other IHMN models I have done.With the Constables I did add larger bases to the models,painted in the same trompe l’oeil effect. See my previousIHMN articles for details.VARNISHINGAgain the same as I have detailed before, the only extrawas to re-varnish the helmet badge with gloss to simulatethe enamelled Metropolitan Police badge.