Above. A Bandit Butai attempts the seize the shrine, ably protected by the Shoei Monk Buntai.
Left. A yumi armed Shoei Monk.
Craig Woodfield
SCENARIO RULESForces – all sides select a force of equal points value –100, 150 or 200 points.Terrain – use a playing area that is 36” square. There isonly one piece of terrain on the board – the shrine whichis placed in the exact centre of the playing area.Weather – roll a d6 – on a roll of 5 or 6, roll again on theweather table. Otherwise, the weather will have no effecton the game.Time of day – roll a d6. On a 6, roll again on the Time ofDay table. Otherwise the engagement takes place duringdaylight hours.Deployment – each player rolls a d6. The player whorolls highest chooses a table edge, then the next playerand so on. Multi-player – if there is more than one player, roll priorityfor each player and follow the rules.Starting the game – models move onto the table fromanywhere on their respective table edge that is not within6” of a corner. Assume that the front of each model’s baseis just touching the outside of the table edge whenmeasuring the first move.
SCENARIO DESCRIPTIONIn this 2, 3 or 4 player scenario, players battle to controla shrine. This scenario requires a small shrine or toriigate, such as the excellent ones now available from4Ground.