Above. The Bushi Buntai and Koryu Buntai clash in the centre of town.
Left. Senior student and Initiate with katana.
Craig Woodfield
SPECIAL RULESThe scenario takes place at dusk, so all shooting attackssuffer a -1 penalty in addition to all other modifiers.FORCESOne side is attempting to escort a civilian model from oneside of the table to the other. This could be an official,captive, informant, and either male of female. The civilianmodel activates and moves as per normal infantry andcannot be mounted. He/she has stats of 0, no weaponsBUT gets a single Defence Counter if engaged in combat.The other side is attempting to stop them.DEPLOYMENTEach player rolls a d6, and the winner chooses a longtable edge. The blocking side deploys all its models first,anywhere up to 15” in from the long table edge. Theescorting side then deploys all its models within 1” of theopposite table edge.
SCENARIO DESCRIPTIONThis scenario requires a lot of scenery – the newbuildings and walls from 4-Ground are ideal. The playingarea should be 30” deep by 36” wide, with a goodamount of buildings, walls and trees providing cover andcreating alleyways and choke points. Asking a thirdplayer to set up the scenery is a good idea. The scenariocan be played with 100, 150 or 200 points.