Right. A samurai with katana & heavy armour from the Bushi Buntai.Below. The Koryu Buntai charges down main street, ready for action.Below. The Bushi Buntai and Koryu Buntai fight to the death on and off the bridge!
VICTORY POINTSThe Escorting side gains Victory Points equal to the Rank of each model that itsuccessfully moves off the long tableedge to which it deployed. The civilianmodel is worth 10 Victory Points if itsuccessfully moves off the oppositetable edge. The blocking side getsVictory Points equal to the Rank ofeach enemy model that it kills and 10Victory Points if it kills the civilianmodel.NOTESThis is a great scenario for the Koryufaction, as their lack of armour andmissile weapons is somewhatcompensated for. Both sides MUSThave a reasonable number of troops toprovide coverage or to screen thecivilian – but quality troops are alsorequired to break up enemy attacks. Tomake the scenario even more fast andfurious, the size of the playing area canbe reduced further.