need to stick to a piece of card with the hot glue. Holding the  bundle, apply a small blob of hot glue the trimmed base of the  bundle, and then quickly stick the bundle down on the card,  holding the bundle upright for a few second while the hot glue  cools and sets, do not touch the hot glue. Then repeat the  processes, a lot. I made about fifty grass bundles, which I  thought was plenty and turned out was only just enough! Please do remember hot glue is extremely hot and will not only burn  you badly but will stick to you while it does it, so be extra  careful!   Painting the Long Grass Fortunately elephant grass comes in a whole variety of colours  from yellow, to purple, to green. I looked at lots of pictures and  asked someone who has seen it for real, and went for a faded  straw colour “stem” going to green as you go up the stem to the grass blade. This sort of natural flora always looks better with a  degree of colour variation in it, just like real life. The straw  colour is the original self colour of the Corn Reed, which is  handy, for the green I used Greenskin brushed on quite dry,  with a massive flat brush snappily titled the Wargamer: Vehicle  & Scenery Brush. I then dry brushed on a lighter green  highlight of Army Green with the same big brush, this only  going near the top of the grass. It is quite fun going at  something with a great big brush for a change!
Above. Holding the bundle, apply a small blob of hot glue the base of the bundle.
Below. The straw colour is the original colour of the Corn Reed, for the green I used Greenskin brushed on quite dry, with a massive flat brush.
 I then dry brushed on a lighter green highlight of Army Green with the same big brush, this only going near the top of the grass. It is quite fun going at something with a great big brush for a change!
Materials The bases themselves are 60mm by 30mm, made from  laser cut MDF from 4Ground.   Tall grass; Heki Corn Reed, which comes in a big  bundle and with hundreds of 60mm long strands. The filler on the base is ordinary house holder filler;  from Homebase this one, but any filler or base texture  material like 4Ground Base Render would be fine.  The low groundcover is Galeforce9 GFS004 - Hobby  Round: Arid Static Grass.  The tufts of grass are The Army Painter AP-BF4129 -  Jungle Tufts Hot glue Superglue PVA glue, 4Ground PVA - PVA - Full Strength 200ml  Paints; Greenskin, Army Green, Humbrol Matt 26  Khaki Components Animals & men The animals I had; you can see how I did them in my article  PAINTING BABOONS” and also the Ila in my “PAINTING  THE ILA”. So I had them ready to go.  Making the Long Grass I decided I would represent elephant grass, which can be very  tall indeed. For this I used the Heki Corn Reed, which is  plenty long enough. Firstly I switched on the hot glue gun and got it nice and hot (never leave your hot glue gun unattended). Then I took a bundle of the corn reed and cut it to length, I  went for a range from about 25 to 35mm, you will get a bit of  variation anyway. Once you have cut it to length you then  
Holding the bundle, apply a small blob of hot glue the trimmed base of the bundle, and then quickly stick the bundle down on the card, holding the bundle upright for a few second while the hot glue cools and sets, do not touch the hot glue. © North Star Military Figures North Star Magazine home page Next Page Previous Page more Africa articles Click here to order Home Latest North Star Stargrave Frostgrave Oathmark Crusader Artizan Great War Shieldwolf