MzilikaziMzilikazi seems to have been popular with his subjects, andhe ruled successfully until his death in 1868, in contrast to thefate of his contemporary Shaka. White missionaries, impatientat his refusal to let his people go to work for them, oftenportrayed him as a savage tyrant who ruled solely by terror,but others - like the Scottish missionary Robert Moffat, got onwell with him and regarded him as intelligent andstatesmanlike. Matabele tradition suggests that he wasgenuinely mourned as the "founder of the nation". Of coursenineteenth century African ideas of government will notalways appeal to modern tastes, and people were executed forwitchcraft, impaled, mutilated or fed to crocodiles. Andruthless aggression against neighbouring peoples weakenough to be exploited was par for the course. Even Moffatadmitted that Mzilikazi was responsible for "the desolation ofmany of the towns around us - the sweeping away the cattleand valuables - the butchering of the inhabitants". One of hisnative informants recalled "the great chief of multitudes... thechief of the blue-coloured cattle", who was so confident of hisstrength that he had refused to flee when the invadersapproached, heralded by “the smoke of burning towns”. "Theonset was as the voice of lightning, and their spears as theshaking of a forest in the autumn storm. The Matabele lionsraised the shout of death, and flew upon their victims… Theirhissing and hollow groans told their progress among thedead… Stooping to the ground on which we stood, he took up a little dust in his hand; blowing it off, and holding out hisnaked palm, he added, 'That is all that remains of the greatchief of the blue-coloured cattle!'" Something of thisreputation remains to this day in southern Africa, where thefearsome army ants, famous for their aggressive wars againstthe local termites, are still known as "Matabele ants".
AggressorsBut the Matabele were not always the aggressors. The Griquasand Koranas from the south had horses and guns, and were said to be the worst cattle thieves in southern Africa (quite anachievement!) In 1831 they descended on the Matabelesettlements and drove off a huge herd. They might have beensurprised to encounter no resistance, but after three days ridingthey decided that they had got away with it. After all, theMatabele were entirely on foot and could hardly have followedthem undetected across the open veldt. So on the third night the thieves had a feast and went to sleep. During the night aMatabele “impi” - which had indeed kept up with them bymarching at night - surrounded them at a place now known asMoordkop, or Murder Hill. Mzilikazi got his cows back, andonly three Griquas escaped with their lives.In 1832 a Zulu "impi" or army attacked Mzilikazi'sheadquarters while his warriors were away on a raid. Thesubsequent battle was a draw, but the Matabele suffered serious losses. Knowing that the Zulus were the one people he couldnot intimidate, the king decided to take his people out of theirreach once. First he moved them a hundred miles to the westinto the Marico Valley, but in 1836 the vanguard of the Boers"Vortrekkers" began to arrive there. Like his contemporary theZulu king Dingaan, Mzilikazi decided to strike first, but alsolike Dingaan he failed to finish the job. At first the Boers weretaken by surprise and several of their camps were wiped out,but most of the men escaped. A Matabele "impi" of around3,000 men attacked the now concentrated Boers at the Battle ofVegkop, but were unable to storm their wagon laager and weredriven off with heavy losses. Then the Zulus and Griquasreturned to the attack, and Mzilikazi realised that he could nothope to survive on the High Veldt against such a combination of enemies. He led his people north once again, this time across