INSPIRATIONI’m not a big Hong Kong Movie buff, I think the only one Ihave watched all the way through is Big Trouble in LittleChina, but that doesn’t really matter, all of these modelshave historical equivalents! The uniformed police andSWAT especially are the same as the real world ones, soare easy to find pictures of and I just copied those, and ofcourse there is artwork in theA Fistful of Kung Fu rulebook of the main protagonists and many others.UNDERCOATINGIt is worth going over any model carefully just to makesure there are no sprue, flash or mould lines, clean any offwith a sharp scalpel and a fine file. Undercoating isessential as it provides a consistent surface on which toapply the next coats of paint, and it shows up the detail ona model much more clearly than shiny bare metal. For theundercoat I used Humbrol enamel matt black. I usuallyundercoat in oil based paint as I find they give bettercoverage on the bare metal.THE PAINTI used Army Painter War Paints to paint The Cops, mixingup colours to suit my style and preferences. The MegaPaint Set provides an adequate range of colours foralmost all needs, but you will always need to mix coloursto get the desired results, however I have tried to work outcolour combinations to reduce mixing if possible.
PAINTING THE COPSThe Copsbox set gives you the perfect starter army tobegin playing A Fistful of Kung Fu, and also wouldn’tlook out of place in any modern skirmish whether film orTV based or not.