Above. Hold the cable in place and try to imagine the run of the cable.
Above & below. To save stress on the cable I slowly bent it around an old paintbrush.
Below. When the cable was bent around, I again held it in place to see if it fitted and made and little adjustments needed. Then you have to commit yourself and cut off the excess!
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You will see the cable is to long, and that you won’t need  the whole length of cable. Then you have to commit  yourself and cut off the excess! I did this with the side  cutters. The last thing is to stick the whole thing in place. I stuck  the power pack on first with superglue. Once that had  set, I glued the end of the cable in place at the bottom of  the truncheon and left them aside to fully cure for a  couple of hours and got on with the other coppers in the  set in the meantime. It does seem a bit of a complicated, but worthwhile to  make the models that bit special as the Constables  should be!  