Painting Le Eyr
When Nick asked me to paint a hero commander for his
SAGA Norman war band, I thought this is going to be pretty
straightforward. Well not quite. Nick said he wanted
something a bit different, and he referenced the comic book
villain Torquemada from the 2000AD Nemesis cult stories…
Nick’s Brief
I’d like him on the large base in front of his horse. Don’t feel
the need to be historically accurate; I’d like him to look bad
and insane, Torquemada being the influence. Make the
helmet dark, his cowl/ hood black with white lines in the
mouth area to give a grill mouth effect. Black tunic and red
cloak feel right but please feel free to use your discretion. I
did wonder whether red flames along the bottom of his tunic
would be too much. Wide, red rimmed eyes if you can get the
brush in there. I’d like the horse to be black with red cloth.
Later Nick also asked me if I could include a severed leg a
shield design! So that’s what I did, more or less!
Undercoating is essential as it provides a consistent surface on
which to apply the next coats of paint, and it shows up the
detail on a model much more clearly than shiny bare metal.
The Paint
I used Army Painter War Paints to paint the Norman nut job,
mixing up colours to suit my style and preferences. The Mega
Paint Set provides an adequate range of colours for almost all
needs, but you will often need to mix colours to get the
desired results, however I have tried to work out colour
combinations to reduce this a somewhat.
Lastly don’t get too much paint on your brush, less than a
third of the way up the hairs on the brush in the paint is plenty,
never dip the brush all the way up to the metal ferrule, or you
will ruin that brush in short order.
Not too much
flesh on this
model, just the
face and hands
and the face is
half covered
by the cowl.