The wonderful thing about our North Star 1672 range is that the figures will do for many different nations armies in the period 1665-1680. This isbecause it is a time just before uniforms, and the figures are all dressed in the fashions common amongst soldiers throughout Western Europe.
This of course includes Britain.The years covered by our range is called the Restoration Period inBritain as it was the time the monarchy, represented by Charles II, was restored after the English Civil War. It was also the genesis of the British Army. Britain, tired of soldiersand war, had disbanded much of it’s forces after the Civil War andOliver Cromwell’s reign. With the return of Charles II to England in1660, the units still under arms swore allegiance to the King andbecame the senior units of the British Army.Some of the infantry regiments:Coldstream GuardsGrenadier GuardsScots Guards1st Regiment (Royal Scots)2nd Regiment (The Queen’s)3rd Regiment (The Buffs)Army Listsst
To give an idea of how “The Law of the Gun” actuallyplays, let’s run through a quick example.The Man With No MatesThe “Man With No Mates” has ridden into town andgotten himself a whisky in the saloon. This is risky as heis not popular in these parts; he is faster and meanerthan a rattlesnake, and has a price on his head for aspate of killings. As his name suggests he is a single -figure gang, a Gunman, with the Marksmanship, FastReactions and Nerves of Steel skills. He is armed withtwo revolvers. On his way back out into the street he isconfronted by a group of local roughnecks, keen ongetting the reward. There are four of them, all Fighters,two carrying a revolver each, one a Winchester repeater,and one a shotgun. The two sides are about six inchesapart at this point. Both are taken by surprise and go fortheir guns, but in the game they need to take theirmoves alternately. The Man goes first as he is a higherclass than his opponents. He does not need to recover from any near misses, sohe throws his action dice – seven of them; five for beinga Gunman, plus two as a single-figure gang with FastReactions.